Deraya maintains an extensive bus service available to all members of the Deraya community.
Our buses travel between Deraya New Minya and Minya city and through neighborhoods all over the city.
Buses run on set schedules throughout the day, five days a week in addition to limited services on Thursday.
Our comfortable coach buses have reclining seats, window curtains, air conditioning, and free wi-fi.
Call 16283 to know more about routes and meeting points.
For Faculty staff, Administrators, and VIP visitors
The university provides air-conditioned buses for the transportation of faculty members and administrators working in it as follows:
To and from Cairo city.
To and from Assiut city.
To and from Minya City
It also provides private cars for the transportation of VIPs and distinguished guests.
The university provides sufficient parking spaces for students outside the university campus, and parking shades inside the university for the cars of faculty and administrative staff working at the university.